Manufacturing complex geometries using wire-based methods
In the experiment, mechanical characteristics of the component manufactured using the EBOADD process were determined and compared with the literature.
In the experiment, mechanical characteristics of the component manufactured using the EBOADD process were determined and compared with the literature.
The physicist Dr. Karl-Heinz Steigerwald built the world's first electron beam machine in 1952. He thus laid the foundation for the success story of Steigerwald Strahltechnik GmbH ...
The cables from LAPP are put under extreme stress in the electron beam welding machines ...
Vacuum, X-rays and heat: The cables from LAPP are put under extreme stress in the electron beam welding machines from SST. Nevertheless, the systems often run for decades without failures.
Steigerwald’s EBOCONT strip welding machine gets an update.
Press release Mai/June 2021
Peter Schmidt, SwissBeam AG, CH-Rudolfstetten
The global discussions on climate change and the environment are increasingly calling the use of resources and energy consumption in production into question...
Wieland is the world’s leading specialist for copper and copper alloys.
A new chapter in the history of SwissBeam AG is being opened with the acquisition of a new, valuable electron beam welding system.“
Experts talking about "Additive Manufacturing", "Continuous welding of strip materials" and "Welding round the corner"
Bernard Kuntzmann, CEO of Listemann AG, Winterthur: “Electron beam welding is a welding process with very special characteristics!”
EBOADD, the 3D metal printing process from Steigerwald Strahltechnik (SST) – a conversation with Dr. Michael Maaßen, the EB specialist’s Development Director.
Steigerwald Strahltechnik invests in further research and development in electron beam technology and has further expanded its in-house technical center.